You can use our fun multiplication worksheets to give your kids a head start with multiplication.
How? With easy practice. Print these printable worksheets so your kids can learn the right equations with the right answers and learn them the right way first.
First, practice multiplication, then drill, and then review.
The idea is not to solve a problem, but to memorize the facts.
We also have fun multiplication charts and flash cards below. The PDF format is easy to print, file, and answer.
First comes skip counting then come charts and quizzes. This is a huge page with scores of printable worksheets.
You can get all our free multiplication worksheets here on our site, or you can buy them organized in files in our Math Worksheets bundle.
Using skip counting worksheets is a simple way to introduce the basic multiplication facts and to review them well. Each subsequent number is a multiple of the original number.
The twos, fives, and tens are easy; so they make a great first assignment.
Knowing how to skip count by fives makes counting nickles easier and learning to tell time easier. Use multiples of five to teach telling time.
These are super for making the transition from addition problems to multiplication problems for younger students.
Older students can use them as a refresher, although you might like using one of the charts further below for reviewing multiplication.
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For teachers and parents: PrintNPractice free printable worksheets are all copyright-free, digital activities for students. Use them in homeschool, interactive notebooks for online classrooms, Google classroom, distance learning, tutoring and learning pods, and hybrid school.
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Learning the multiplication tables is actually fun. The ones are simply counting and the twos are simply doubles in addition. The easiest way to learn multiplication is to practice saying the equations with the factors and the answer together.
There is a new vocabulary with different words than with counting and adding. Multiplying one factor by another factor gives or yields a product. Here is a word equivalent:
A factor times a factor is the product.
A number multiplied by a number is another number.
You'll love these printable multiplication worksheets because they're easy and kids actually learn something without wasting their or your time.
If you teach the multiplication tables in order with these fun multiplication worksheets, many of your students will simply "catch on". Then simply repeat for reinforcement and mastery.
Show your kids that it is a giant help to know how to multiply so they can easily make change at the store. Well, if they ever run into that in real life now.
Go to this page on our site to see our twelve ad-free videos. They're great multiplication drills for 3rd grade multiplication practice. Drill and kill isn't so hard and you don't show the wrong answer by mistake.
There are nice notes for help teaching multiplication like doubles for the twos and dozens for the twelves. Learning multiplication is even easier if the children will write what they see while they say the terms out loud.
You can bookmark practice multiplication videos for kids' practice. I do.
These fun multiplication practice worksheets are the star of the show. These are your most helpful activities for teaching multiplication.
When the children say and write the equations three times, repeating as they go; they learn their tables much faster. Our kids loved these from when they learned addition and subtraction, so they were a natural for learning to multiply.
Include one of these worksheets per day with little ones, and add one or two other multiplication worksheets from below per day for your older kids. Sometimes they will have a favorite, so be sure to print it, too.
I heartily recommend giving plenty of time for practice!
The work is simple and it combines thinking and writing as they copy the equations, especially if they say the equations out loud. I love the fact that the children have the equation there to copy with the correct answer for practice and I think that this is super important for beginners.
Grading is easy, just make sure each copied line is the same as the first line. See 3b below to get them in one bundle and to see a printable reference chart of all 144 equations.
See all our PrintNPractice printables in affordable bundles here .
These fun multiplication worksheets are printable in one download. They're the same as those above, but you can keep these all together in one file for future multiplication practice.
Use a printable multiplication table for learning and for reference. Easy times table practice. The numbers in an array or columns and rows make it easy to see at-a-glance where the answer is. Interactive digital PDF downloads.
See three different arrays:
If you're only teaching to the tens, highlight the tens column and the tens row so they intersect at 100 for the multiplication table 1-100 or 100 multiplication facts.
Show as many as you like. Intersecting the fives column with the tens row brings a table to 50.
Colored pencils work great for this. I love having a different color for each table. See the sheets below.
A chart is my favorite skip counting worksheet. These show the times table worksheets through twelve. See below.
Click the image to go to our printable multiplication tables page.
See the fifteens times table worksheets in section 6 below.
This is a trick that we found in an old book of math lessons called Practical Arithmetic: teach the multiplication and division facts together. This cuts the memory work in half!
You'll love these printable multiplication worksheets for first and second grade and it's super review for 3rd and 4th grade Math.
If this is confusing at first, teach the multiplication facts separately first as above, yet before introducing the division facts be sure to at least teach the association that exists between multiplication and division.
Then use these dual pages to teach that 3 x 4=12/4=3, etc.
Remember that dividing can be taught at the same time as multiplying so you can refer to our Division worksheets, too. Really, you'll find that this is a wonderful short cut.
Be certain that your kids have the idea of the groups used in multiplying so as to keep the idea separate from addition. I've found that once the children know addition and subtraction and see the association, they'll learn the association between multiplication and division better.
These fun multiplication worksheets make multiplying easy.
Your student can simply refer to the chart for each table at the top of the page, read them out loud or copy them to his notebook, and have plenty of multiplication practice at the bottom. These sheets "mix it up a bit"!
There is one multiplication worksheet for each of the 12 times tables in each download.
The second set has 15 printable multiplication worksheets.
Here is a suggested way for kids to use these:
The purple links have the 15 tables for those who use Classical Conversations. Thank you Brandy at for requesting the 15 quiz worksheets. At her request, I made an answer key for them, too.
The twenty four fun multiplication worksheets below have the complete times table chart at the top of each sheet. Easy and quick. Super for older kids.
There are two sheets for each times table for more varied practice, A and B.
These are great to use for practice using the multiplication chart in 3rd grade once the children can follow the table.
After we've used the worksheet we cut the charts out and tape them in the front of their math textbooks or binders. Multiplication cheat sheets!
Hint: A small ruler or 3x5 card can be helpful.
Practice with the children with flash cards first. Show them the equation. Teach them to pronounce the words well.
Keep it quick to make it fun.
I like to show the answer side first and simply practice three times. You might also like the large charts in section 9. I used to keep these on a clip board near where I sit for teaching each table or for review.
When the child knows the answers more quickly turn to the side of the cards that leaves the answers blank and begin to quiz them.
Choose from these these multiplication flash cards to print the answer side, the blank side, or both sides. Flash cards make easy practice and are easy to use with games.
Your beginners can get used to the equations and the up and down format. Your older kids can take a quick easy test and if you show the answer side, these make great practice and review.
I omitted the zeros in these flash cards since they are easy to learn and aren't multiplication facts anyway, they are nullification.
The multiplication ones tables are identification and are super easy, too. You can probably set them aside. It is easier to remember this identity property of multiplication if it is demonstrated with several examples.
If you start with a fun attitude, kids love to learn big numbers and teaching that anything times 1 is itself is very fun when it's a thousand, a million, a billion!
Anything times one is itself. Identity. That's usually enough, yet the flash cards are good for practicing the equations especially with our fun multiplication worksheets.
You can use these large multiplication charts as multiplication drill sheets to help your children master the multiplication facts.
You can use the first set as math posters to put on the wall, too. Use a hole punch and hang them like a calendar for easy reference at home near where your kids do their Math homework. These work well with our fun multiplication worksheets above.
I keep the second set on a clip board to use as a flip chart for oral practice or to take with me as I go around the classroom checking their work. It's got a good place at the top for the clip.
Remember to put your hand or a card over the next equation so that the kids are more sure to be looking at the right equation. You can also fold the page in half to hide the problems you're not drilling. It's best to show one equation at a time.
There is a link below at 9c for printing all twelve of the clipboard set.
See all our PrintNPractice printables in affordable bundles here .
I really like to put these printable multiplication tables on a clipboard so that I can carry the whole board to review with whichever student is working on a different table.
When your children are learning multiplication facts and when you have small math groups, you can pass the clipboard or go up and down the rows of desks.
The low placement of the numbers on the page allows space for the clip at the top to hold the paper or cardstock (this can get lots of use) without covering the equations.
Many times a quick review is enough to help students move to the next table using our fun multiplication worksheets. Simply have them repeat the equation three times quickly. :-)
See the complete set below.
This is my favorite! Get all twelve of our large multiplication charts in one download here. Print it or file it or both.
If you like our fun multiplication worksheets you will also like our:
We also have similar worksheets for the other Math tables:
Mary Fifer, BSBA is webmaster, author, and researcher at She has created elementary school practice exercises using printable or digital interactive worksheets. Perfect for today's teachers, tutors, homeschoolers, and students!
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