Counting Worksheets For Kids

You will find several kinds and levels of printable counting worksheets for math including skip counting, flashcards, and charts!

Counting Worksheets: Cut and color Math Manipulative worksheets for kids!Fun Counting Worksheets and cut and color Math Manipulative worksheets!

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For teachers and parents: PrintNPractice free printable worksheets are all copyright-free, digital activities for students. Use them in homeschool, interactive notebooks for online classrooms, Google classroom, distance learning, tutoring and learning pods, and hybrid school. 

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Counting Worksheets, Flashcards, and Manipulatives

Counting gets easier with practice. Kids practice counting naturally. They love to keep track of the number of things.The trick is to help them memorize the numbers in order. Repeat the 0-9 sequence often even if you're using 10-19, etc.

  • Actually, if you simply count out loud frequently with your kids, most of them will learn to count easily with simple repetition.
  • Count cups of flour in a recipe together.
  • Count the birds on the sidewalk.
  • Count the crayons in the box.

Children love to sing along with counting songs. So choose your favorite counting songs to use with these worksheets.

1. Printable Math Worksheets for Counting

  1. Counting worksheets, counting by halves, counting words.
  2. Preschool and kindergarten printable flash cards, kitten, and puppy.
  3. Printable skip counting sheets.
  4. Printable math manipulatives: Cut and Play blocks for counting.
  5. Printable Math worksheets for Christmas.

1.A. Printable Counting Worksheets

  1. The first set has 2 worksheets for little students to trace the numbers.
  2. The second set helps students learn to count to 100 and to count by 2s, 5s, and 10s.
  3. The 100s chart is in three versions: one for reference, one that is grey for tracing, and one that is blank to practice copy work.The six pages of printable hundreds charts have a tracing copy and a printable blank hundreds chart.
  4. Several of the hundreds charts have space for skip counting practice, too.

1.B. Hundreds Charts

There are six worksheets in this next set:

  1. A printable one hundred chart.
  2. A gray hundreds chart for tracing.
  3. One hundred chart with the twos missing for skip counting by 2 to 100.
  4. One hundred chart without the fives column for skip counting by 5 to 100.
  5. Another chart with out the tens column for skip counting by 10s.
  6. A blank hundreds chart.

You print. The kids practice. :-)

See all our PrintNPractice printables in affordable bundles here .

1.C. Three Counting By Halves Worksheets

These three worksheets script counting by halves and can teach your children how to write the numbers, fractions, and decimals.

You'd be surprised how much better children understand counting by halves when they say it out loud as they write it.

Copying these lines will take them through ten.

See more fractions and decimal worksheets here.

1.D. Printable Counting Worksheets With Number Spelling 1-20 and 1-100

Your older kids can use these six counting worksheets to learn to spell the counting numbers from 1 to 100.

  • The first page works well for one through twenty
  • The rest of the worksheets include hyphenation between the numbers 21 to 99: twenty-one, thirty-two, forty-three, etc.

Great for Saxon Math and other Math curriculum.

See our multiplication page for multiplication charts and worksheets.

2. Preschool and Kindergarten Printable Counting Flash Cards

These printable counting flash cards help your children with their memory work.

Children remember the numbers better when they see them, touch them, say them, and hear them. We have three sets:

  1. Plain counting flashcards to print, 
  2. Printable kitten flash cards, and 
  3. Printable flash cards with puppies. 

Print your children's favorites and let them color the kittens and puppies for more fun interaction.

2A. Plain Counting Flash Cards Number Recognition

2B. Kitten Counting Numbers Flash Cards For Preschool

Looking for a preschool or kindergarten activity?

Have your children color these kitten flash cards before they cut them. Coach as they carefully count the kittens one at a time.

I like to teach them to put their fingers on each kitten, yet leaving a pencil mark will be much better for the higher numbers and remembering which kittens were already counted. 

Even better, have them color the kitties using these like counting worksheets.

Ooops! Each of the following images link to one page, but the last icon below has the full set. To print only the last page, you'll have to select the last page. Otherwise, print the whole set at once from the last kitten image below. 

2C. Puppy Counting Flash Cards For Preschool

These puppies can be used as counting worksheets, too.

Print them on card stock to make flash cards or use paper for coloring pages.

3. Printable Skip Counting Worksheets 

The five page set below covers skip counting for the Multiplication tables 1 - 12.

  • Skip counting by 2.
  • Skip counting by 3.
  • Skip counting by 5
  • Skip counting by 10s
  • The last page has skip counting by 25s, 50s, and 100s as for US nickles, dimes, and quarters and other currency like the Euro, etc.

Skip counting by fives and tens is easy preparation for learning the Multiplication tables, counting money, and for telling time

You can also use a multiplication chart for skip counting, simply use the correct column in the chart.

This next set of worksheets covers skip counting for each number till 12. 

  • Eleven pages of skip counting worksheets for each number to 12.
  • A page for US currency and money: nickles, dimes, and quarters.

See money and coin worksheets here.

4. Printable Math Manipulatives: Colored Blocks For Counting Or Printable Cuisenaire Rods Worksheets

Need a nice way to show counting without using pennies or beans that could be swallowed? These PDFs are ready to cut and count.

Don't have time or money to buy those alluring yet expensive math manipulative sets that you can get at Amazon?

Do you wish you had an alternative to printable Cuisenaire rods?

Try these printable manipulatives. Print them and get out the scissors!

Print these Math manipulatives to help children see counting by sets like skip counting. 

  • Use the ones blocks for counting, safer than pennies.
  • Use these to teach addition patterns.
  • Use these for skip counting which is the beginning of multiplication.
  • Use the ones, tens, and hundred block to teach base ten Math.

Counting is easiest when we have Math manipulatives.

There has to be something to count before counting makes sense. It is easier when you move to skip counting, use blocks or sets that show the units in groups.

Note: You might have to tell some children to remove the white instead of cut out the blocks.

Some children will make unit blocks out of all of the sheets, especially if they cut the first worksheet before doing the others - which is pretty usual. 

This is not a good job for super little children, so you might want to cut these for your kids. My favorite short cut is to use a mini paper cutter.

5. Printable Christmas Counting Worksheets

These printable 12 Days Of Christmas worksheets can be assigned one day at a time through the Christmas Season and bound as a Christmas coloring book. This is a lovely idea for teaching counting if you also teach the song. 

Counting is a skill that we learn to do better and better through the first few years of school.

In Preschool we learn to count to ten.

In Kindergarten we learn to count to twenty or one hundred and we begin writing the numerals.

In First and Second Grade we learn addition which is fast counting, subtraction which undoes addition, and skip counting which prepares us for the idea of multiplication.

In Third and Fourth Grade multiplication makes counting even faster and division makes decimals and fractions.

Thank you for visiting our counting worksheets.

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Author and Webmaster, Mary Fifer
Mary Fifer (Webmaster,

Mary Fifer, BSBA is webmaster, author, and researcher at She has created elementary school practice exercises using printable or digital interactive worksheets. Perfect for today's teachers, tutors, homeschoolers, and students!

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