Printable Phonics Worksheets
Buy The Bundle And Build Phonics Skills

Printable Phonics Worksheets For Kids - Reinforce learning the phonics sounds.

These copyright-free printable phonics worksheets are digital so they can also be used on the computer or in online classroom or for distance learning.

190+ Printable Phonics Worksheets: Buy them all in one bundle. Letters, phonograms, digraphs, and trigraphs.197 Printable Phonics Worksheets For Kids!

Digital Interactive Printables

Printable Phonics Worksheets Download $9.98



See printable samples below.

These printable Phonics worksheets offer practice words for the 26 alphabetical letters and the different phonograms or blends with space to copy the words three times each.

  • 70 phonograms practice sheets
  • 40+ Phonics words practice sheets - two sizes of print to copy phonics words 3 times.
  • Top, mid, and base lines on worksheets and flash cards. Yea!
  • Letters, phonograms, digraphs, and trigraphs.
  • Phonics worksheets in two line sizes.
  • Printable phonics flash cards with lines.
  • Alphabet worksheets: lower case, upper case, and coloring pages (several versions of each).
  • Spelling the names of colors, 10 pages.
  • Spelling the names of animals, 3 pages.
  • For those who do not use a phonics system, six files of Dolch words flash cards (look say or whole word sight words), 40-96 flash cards per file. 

Print and reprint as often as your students need phonics practice!

Contains 197 pages of printable Phonics Worksheets!

Teaching Phonics Using Printable Worksheets

Printable Phonics Worksheets - Single and Multi-Letter Phonograms, Kindergarten and First Grade Phonics.Buy Phonics Worksheets In One Bundle

Teaching phonics is so much easier with our printable phonics flash worksheets.

Children learn their facts better once they have time to practice. Our printable worksheets give you this opportunity without having to make practice sheets yourself. 

Our phonics flash cards and worksheets show the top, mid, and base lines so that children who are learning phonics and handwriting know where the letters sit on the lines. Find:

  • Alphabet worksheets.
  • Quiz sheets to practice the Orton Spalding phonograms.
  • Phonics worksheets have words to copy while the students say the sounds they write, repeating each word three times.
  • The correct spelling is always visible for practice.
  • Flash cards with blue lines rule the top, mid, and base lines.

You can get many of these worksheets from our sites free or purchase them in one bundle from this page.

Digital Interactive Printables

Printable Phonics Worksheets Download $9.98


Interactive Phonics Worksheets

What do you do when you have no ink?

No paper?

Answer: Copy the files to a computer file for each of your children and let them type the answers. They love it. After a bit of practice they are learning typing as they practice phonics. 

Need printed copies? Simply print their work when your supply of ink and paper allow. Or when you can email them to someone with a printer like a friend or office supply store.

Orton/Spalding Phonogram Worksheets

If you are using Orton phonics lessons as with

  • Spalding, 
  • Sanseri, 
  • Schola, 
  • Gillingham, 
  • and Sound Beginnings 

you'll love these worksheets for extra practice writing the phonograms in words.

First, teach the phonics sounds of the letters and the multiletter phonograms.

Then your children can practice writing the words while saying the sounds. 

Practice is the key that so many programs miss. These worksheets make easy homework practice or review.

If you are working with older students or ESL students you can print these two-up so that the work is at college level writing size. It can make the work look easier, too. :-)

Sample Phonics Worksheets

Kindergarten Phonics Worksheets (11 Pages)

Kindergarten Phonics Worksheets should be simple and clear. Use these after you have taught the phonogram sounds.

This set focuses on the short vowel sounds so they are simple for kindergarten and first grade.

Digraph CH- Printable Phonics Worksheets (2 Pages)

These two CH worksheets are a sample from our phonics worksheets for the forty or so main digraph and trigraph phonics sounds.

Each of the basic phonograms has practice worksheets to reinforce memory skills.

Once you have taught a phonogram, these worksheets can be printed for morning work or homework or sent digitally as remote learning packets for independent work.

Free Printable Phonics Flashcards Sample (36)

How many times do you see children write a very nice j, p, or q; yet it's floating off the base line?

Enter alphabet and phonics flashcards with the top, middle, and base lines.

Now your students know where the letters sit and can understand what you mean when you tell them to place the letters on the base line.

This sample is the real deal with all of the phonics cards and their sound clues on the back side.

Remember to print double sided. :-)

Digital Interactive Printables

Printable Phonics Worksheets Download $9.98


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Author and Webmaster, Mary Fifer
Mary Fifer (Webmaster,

Mary Fifer, BSBA is webmaster, author, and researcher at She has created elementary school practice exercises using printable or digital interactive worksheets. Perfect for today's teachers, tutors, homeschoolers, and students!

Thank you for visiting and for sharing. :-)