Printable Writing Worksheets For Kids

Do you need printable writing worksheets for kids?

Most of us do at some point.

My goal on this page is to offer you copywork, manuscript and cursive writing practice, grammar exercises, writing intervention, and creative writing ideas. 

PrintNPractice worksheets are great for kindergarten through sixth grade. You will find hundreds of free printables for writing, handwriting, and timelines.

Note: It must be said for original writing and creative writing that worksheets are not necessary. They can be handy especially for interventions and practice, but worksheets are not necessary - otherwise how original or creative could writing be?

First comes a quick list of elementary school wrting worksheets for you. Then, see more specific writing help below this short list.

Primary Writing Worksheets For Kids

Jump to these topics below:

  1. The basics of elementary writing.
  2. Handwriting or creative writing?
  3. Writing prompts.
  4. Creative writing tips.
  5. Interventions.
  6. Wonderful creative writing book.

1. Basic Writing Worksheets And Tips

1.A. Beginner Writing Skills

In the very beginning there are pre-writing skills. See printable practice worksheets on my preschool and kindergarten pages.

1.B. Writing Practice Worksheets

Later, tracing and copying are what teach little ones a model of good writing even writing numbers in words.

This is a great list for K-2:

2. Primary Grade School Writing Topics

2.A. Handwriting Worksheets For Kids

See my main handwriting worksheets here.

Learn ideas how to write in cursive here.

2.B. Creative Writing Topics

It's good to give ideas and lists of words to kindergartenfirst grade, and second grade children. 

You can incorporate the lists that you use for other classes like

See more about creative writing in section 6 below.

3. Elementary Grade School Writing Prompts

Another idea is to have your child tell a story while you write what the he says so that he can make the connection between his own thoughts and the written word.

Sometimes simply telling the story is a good way to think of what or how to write.

Writing about an event or giving how-to instructions are very helpful creative writing exercises for elementary students.

It takes logical thinking to write about events in order of time chronologically or to give good instructions.

Third graders like to record what they want to say, so they can remember all the details. Later, they can chug through the writing with your help. Find more ideas on these pages:

If you would like lovely poetry, consider A Child's Garden of Verses, a Robert Louis Stephenson download in four versions:

  1. Listen and draw,
  2. Manuscript print,
  3. Cursive handwriting,
  4. Small size for older children.

"If I had to teach ... A Child's Garden of Verses would be my best friend!

It's so good for children and is universally recognized as good literature.

It's something you can use to teach morals without scandalizing. It teaches a wonderful perspective, too."

~ K. F., Elementary School Teacher

Buy A Child's Garden of Verses Worksheets

Digital Interactive Printables

Printable Reading Worksheets Download $9.98


4. Easy Ways That Kids Learn Creative Writing

4.A. Hand Writing On Paper Is Good For Kids

Start with the basics.

One of my favorite thoughts about the language arts is that old timers had their students work through one hard book. Guess what? Ever after that the student could read anything!

Writing skills are the same in many ways. Writing is a physical extension of thinking. Add paper and you can edit or preserve your thoughts.

It takes more brainpower to write on paper than it does to type our thoughts electronically. God spare us clicking choices on a screen.

Hand writing on paper reinforces kids' memory of their work, too, especially if the writing corresponds with reading assignments. They have better recall.

Learning grammar and writing book reports can be so helpful for children to put their thoughts in order and express them well. They gain lifelong writing skills and remember what they've read.

4.B. Taking Notes From Books Aids Memory

Think of how often we ourselves take notes in order to learn or remember a new thought. Taking notes in college was the way that I learned and "studied" best.

Not much thinking is involved in taking notes from written text, yet it is very good practice and an excellent exercise of the memory.

Little children or those who struggle can learn using copywork.

4.C. Writing Simple Sentences

Teaching writing requires teaching kids some structure and form. 

This is where teaching grammar and logic enter.

Knowing the logic of English allows us to express ourselves better.

You'll find writing worksheets that teach sentence construction with I am, you are, he is, we are, you are, and they are on these grammar pages: punctuation, capitalization, and grammar.

Here are more pages:

4.D. Writing Letters Encourages Creativity

Kids learn expressive language at home from an early age. Help them use those phrases in short thank you notes, invitations, and letters of request.

See printable letter writing paper templates here.

See more about creative writing below in section 6.

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Free Online Worksheets For School, Homework, And Homeschool Practice

Free Online Teacher Resources - Free Homeschool Curriculum

For teachers and parents: PrintNPractice free printable worksheets are all copyright-free, digital activities for students. Use them in homeschool, interactive notebooks for online classrooms, Google classroom, distance learning, tutoring and learning pods, and hybrid school. 

  • No prep.
  • No tracking.
  • Self learning.
  • Copyright free.
  • Lifetime license.
  • Diverse learners.
  • Easy drill-and-kill.
  • Interactive worksheets.
  • Printable morning work.
  • Paperless morning work.
  • Go printable or paperless.
  • Stay on track. Summer review.
  • Easy elementary school curriculum.
  • Remote learning packets or homework.
  • Most need no answer key or key is included.
  • Videos for audio and visual learners. God bless headphones!

See free teacher and homeschool digital interactive school-at-home learning exercises with no login, no sign-up, no voucher, no account, and no credit card. Loads of digital activities for device-based learning. As seen at TeachersPayTeachers.

5. Reading And Writing Interventions

Writing can be a huge effort for some students. If your students are young, give them time to practice small projects.

Of course, rule out physical reasons first like needing glasses, a better chair, or fewer distractions.

If your students are older, try to spot where the problem is.

  • Is it dexterity? Or handwriting?
  • Is it spelling?
  • Is it thinking of something to say? 
  • Is it thinking of the way to phrase the words?

Here is my favorite encouragement to persevere in helping students learn to write: It helps them to read more easily and with better understanding.

It's also a duty. We must help as best we can in the time we have. Who knows when children will finally "get" writing. Mrs. Romalda Spalding says that kids will surprise you with what they can do over time. 

Encourage and expect. Keep moving to new material.

5.A. Dexterity And Second Grade Writing Intervention

By second grade you may be able discern whether your students need any assisted writing intervention. It helps so much if they receive individual help as it is truly amazing if second graders are able to write well on their own. 

Your main goal right now is to offer word lists, assistance, modeling good examples, and lots of quick handwriting practice.

If dexterity is lacking, try adding activities like

  • Threading beads onto a string, 
  • Working with Play Doh, 
  • Tying knots, and 
  • Simple scissor projects. 

5.B. Spelling And Writing Interventions For Third Grade

At this point in their lives, third graders have not had a wide experience. Finding something interesting to write about is tricky.

On the other hand they often have much to write, yet do not yet have confidence in their spelling.

Have them record their thoughts or dictate them to you. Doctors, lawyers, and other businessmen do the same using recording programs and secretaries.

My favorite idea for improving spelling outside having weekly spelling lists is to keep a personal spelling list. 

Any time there is a misspelling, simply teach them to put the correct spelling in a list, perhaps on the last page of their writing notebook. Why study words you already know how to spell?

Again, this is a lovely time for copywork. 

5.C. Fourth Grade Writing Intervention Activities

Writing intervention activities in year 4 should be more aggressive.

Depending on the child's disposition and circumstances, have children practice often. Require more. Sometimes children rise to the challenge. Back up if there is a feeling of overwhelm.

If the problem is handwriting or dexterity, more mature projects will give the same effect as the activities above:

  • Decorative beadwork,
  • Knitting or crochette,
  • Working clay or kneading bread, 
  • Macrame, 
  • Simple origami projects,
  • Whittling,
  • Using tools like wrenches, screwdrivers, and pliers,
  • Putting parts together like nuts and bolts,
  • Using a hammer and nails.

Copywork? Make it fancy by learning how to write cursive.

5.D. Writing Intervention Strategies

Mrs. Romalda Spalding taught my favorite writing intervention strategies. She taught writing and along the way children learned to both write and read.

Dr. Mary North edited Mrs. Spalding's work and is one of the best research based writing intervention programs and includes syllabi, scope and sequences, and other curriculum resources. All in one book

See their ideas for teaching writing and reading here.

6. Creative Writing For Kids

Write On: The Gentle Way For Kids To Learn To Write

Writing Worksheets For Kids: Write On - Writing Ideas for children download by Karen NewellWrite On: Writing For Kids By Karen Newell

Teachers, parents, and homeschool families will rejoice to find this writing treasure for their students! Anyone helping elementary grade school children with writing skills will rejoice. I did.

I recommend Karen Newell's Learn4YourLife homeschool writing curriculum for any age. Write On writing curriculum is a gentle writing curriculum that builds writing skills while motivating kids to write.

It sparks the student's interest by offering a wide variety of writing styles and writing prompts which capture the imagination.

Short, simple assignments decrease student's reluctance to write, while increasing their confidence by focusing on one specific written skill.

Young writers become eager to share their creations that express their ideas about their favorite topics.

Karen Newell is an experienced CNM and homeschooling mother that packs her books with simple treasures! I love her writing tips and games.

I was able to work with no prep time necessary.

Lesson plan? Simple. Just turn the page.

Tracey offers creative writing examples, topics, prompts, and stories throughout the book that you can use with many levels of achievement.

Learn more about her Write On - Creative Writing Ideas here.

* American English Grammar And Writing Worksheets

<< This download has my favorite grammar PDFs for practice in elementary and middle school grammar lessons. 

If you like the samples on this page, you'll love the grammar download which includes diagramming charts and English Grammar Definitions ebook.

These are great for easy practice and for ESL students. 

Get the set. And enjoy!

* Karen Newell's Grammar And Writing Worksheets

Fast way to teach basic grammar!

Simple step by step workbook.

* Elizabeth O'Brien's English Grammar Revolution

Elizabeth O'Brian has the best diagramming workbooks I've seen. Her website also has videos to go with each lesson.

Author and Webmaster, Mary Fifer
Mary Fifer (Webmaster,

Mary Fifer, BSBA is webmaster, author, and researcher at She has created elementary school practice exercises using printable or digital interactive worksheets. Perfect for today's teachers, tutors, homeschoolers, and students!

Thank you for visiting and for sharing. :-)

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