Printable spelling worksheets help ensure that your children copy the words correctly when they're doing their spelling practice homework.
Help your children get the habit of spelling well.
Contains 672 pages of practice Spelling Worksheets.
See samples below.
These K-6 spelling worksheets offer your kids practice spelling words three times each.
Some words have expanded spellings so your children learn affixes (prefixes and suffixes) at the same time.
Print and reprint as often as your students need practice.
Great for teachers and parents.
You will receive these digital worksheets within minutes of your purchase.
After you teach the spelling and the rules for these words, you can print these for homework or memorywork.
Copy the pages you assign to the children's computers or accounts so they can fill the answers and practice their spelling using a keyboard.
Excellent for distance learning, online classrooms, and remote learning packets.
Each level from Kindergarten through sixth grade has a teacher list for the whole year and includes manuscript worksheets that show the spelling for the children to copy three times.
Each set has a teacher's list at the beginning (so it will look as if both files are the same - look at the file size or the number of pages).
Print this list double sided on card stock to keep in your binder year after year.
It is in a separate file from the Kindergarten spelling worksheets.
This image shows a sample page of the spelling practice worksheets.
Click to see and print the whole set.
Click to see and print the whole 5th grade spelling list and worksheets.
There are two files:
These spelling worksheets include space to practice each word three times. Kids simply copy the words with the correct spelling at the top.
Each year's list has a truly new list of words unlike today's spelling systems that use the same list each year while adding a new suffix for subsequent years.
You can print the teacher reference sheets on heavy paper or card stock to keep in your binder.
This is great review and reinforcement of the correct spelling of words. The words from each grade level are from an old reader so that they are truly grade appropriate.
Hint: We did not simply add prefixes and suffixes to last year's list. Your students are learning new words each year. :-)
Once your children know the basic sounds they can practice their spelling words on the short vowel sounds worksheets.
Teach the phonics sounds and rules in the lower grades and then offer practice spelling the words on these worksheets.
Almost any child who knows the basics can learn any spelling words with sufficient practice.
Be sure to try this spelling trick: Old time teachers taught that the way to learn the correct spelling of words is to keep a personal spelling notebook of only the misspellings in their daily writing.
This way a student can review only the troublesome words from his own spelling word lists.
Why study words that you already know?
You'll enjoy having these lists for honest practice writing spelling words without the torture of guess and check. Enjoy!
Mary Fifer, BSBA is webmaster, author, and researcher at She has created elementary school practice exercises using printable or digital interactive worksheets. Perfect for today's teachers, tutors, homeschoolers, and students!