First Grade Math Worksheets
Shapes, Writing Numbers, Measurement

Welcome to scores of digital or printable first grade Math worksheets for shapes, number writing, and measurement. 

This is a huge page with many math resources. Enjoy!

First Grade Math Worksheets: Addition, Shapes, and more.First Grade Math Worksheets: Addition, subtraction, shapes, and more.

Several of these downloads have several pages each. Click these links to see the bundles on this page:

  1. Shape worksheets have geometric coloring pages: circles, ovals, rectangles, squares, triangles, stars, and others cover fractions.
  2. First grade number writing worksheets.
  3. First grade measurement worksheets.
  4. Measurement activities.
  5. Counting, Addition, Subtraction, And More Problems.

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Free Online Worksheets For School, Homework, And Homeschool Practice

Free Online Teacher Resources - Free Homeschool Curriculum

For teachers and parents: PrintNPractice free printable worksheets are all copyright-free, digital activities for students. Use them in homeschool, interactive notebooks for online classrooms, Google classroom, distance learning, tutoring and learning pods, and hybrid school. 

  • No prep.
  • No tracking.
  • Self learning.
  • Copyright free.
  • Lifetime license.
  • Diverse learners.
  • Easy drill-and-kill.
  • Interactive worksheets.
  • Printable morning work.
  • Paperless morning work.
  • Go printable or paperless.
  • Stay on track. Summer review.
  • Easy elementary school curriculum.
  • Remote learning packets or homework.
  • Most need no answer key or key is included.
  • Videos for audio and visual learners. God bless headphones!

See free teacher and homeschool digital interactive school-at-home learning exercises with no login, no sign-up, no voucher, no account, and no credit card. Loads of digital activities for device-based learning. As seen at TeachersPayTeachers.

1. Printable First Grade Math Shape Worksheets

Use these printable shape worksheets to

  • Review the different shapes,
  • Cut and color math activities, and
  • Make associations with math concepts.

1.A. 6 Geometric Shapes Worksheets

Download six grade 1 level sheets or print from your screen:

  1. Circle shapes.
  2. Ovals.
  3. Rectangles.
  4. Squares.
  5. Stars. (See more fun stars below.)
  6. Triangles.

Also helpful in kindergarten.

  1. 945 PDF Math worksheets.
  2. Buy K-6 in one digital download.
  3. No ads.
  4. Filed by topic.
  5. Interactive. Printable.
  6. Use with any Math Lesson Plans.
  7. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Fraction Practice.

1.B. 7 Color, Cut, And Paste Shapes Worksheets

Color and cut seven pages of math activities with these free printable shapes worksheets:

  1. Triangles.
  2. Octagons.
  3. Squares.
  4. Rectangles.
  5. Circles.
  6. Ovals.
  7. Stars.

1.C. 5 Simple Fraction Worksheets For 1st Grade

These five simple worksheets teach wholes and fractions. First graders can then copy the word and the fraction to learn how to read and spell the words and form the fractions.

  1. Halves.
  2. Thirds.
  3. Quarters. (Excellent for teaching money, too.)
  4. Sixths.
  5. Eighths.

1.D. Fun Shapes For Kindergarten And First Grade

Each of these next shapes coloring pages is a single page and is fun to cut and color.

  1. Fun stars to color.
  2. Fun circles to color.

The square outlines make the shapes easy for small children to cut the shapes. Remind them that these are squares.

Fun Stars To Color Math Coloring Worksheets

Fun Circles Coloring Worksheets

See loads more geometric and shape coloring pages at ColorWithFuzzy.

  1. 945 PDF Math worksheets.
  2. Buy K-6 in one digital download.
  3. No ads.
  4. Filed by topic.
  5. Interactive. Printable.
  6. Use with any Math Lesson Plans.
  7. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Fraction Practice.

2. First Grade Math Worksheets: Writing Numbers

First Grade Practice Writing Numbers

So many times kids need just a bit more actual practice than they get from their school and math programs.

Give your students math practice with these super easy assignments.

These Math worksheets offer plenty of practice without overwhelming little ones. Once the number can be made well, less drill is necessary. Use these number writing worksheets for beginner or for refresher practice.

2.A. Kindergarten And 1st Grade Numbers

Color these ten numbers, 0-9.

See first grade letter coloring pages here.

See color by number pages here.

2.B. Number Value Worksheets

Kids can practice writing their numbers and drawing to show the value of each number. A dice, or square with dots, shows the value easily.

Ask the children to leave the space of their finger between each number, or leave a comma and a space. Usually, three or four repetitions are enough to get the idea.

Encourage students to say the names of the numbers as they write or color the figures so that they'll remember them better. This is true for writing numbers or letters.

2.C. 18 Simple Writing Numbers Worksheets

Kids find it easier to write numbers with ruled lines and a good model of the shape and placement of the numbers. Most children orient better when they know the limits.

This set of 18 math worksheets shows the number word lists in manuscript writing from 1-100. These show the written numbers 21-99 hyphenated as taught in Saxon Math.

See more manuscript handwriting practice here.

See cursive writing below at 2.D.

2.D. 19 Cursive Writing Numbers Worksheets

This set of 19 math worksheets shows the number word lists in cursive writing from 1-100 and 21-99 are hyphenated as in Saxon Math books.

See more cursive practice here.

2.E. 5 Writing Numbers Review

Writing numbers gives the kinesthetic boost that some students need to be able to remember the names of numbers.

These five pages are for children who already write well without top, middle and base lines yet need spelling or writing review.

2.F. Writing Roman Numerals

A fun way to write numbers is to write Roman numerals. They're like writing in code! They also use addition and subtraction to show the value. See more about Roman numerals here.

See more of our number writing worksheets and Roman numeral worksheets here.

  1. 945 PDF Math worksheets.
  2. Buy K-6 in one digital download.
  3. No ads.
  4. Filed by topic.
  5. Interactive. Printable.
  6. Use with any Math Lesson Plans.
  7. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Fraction Practice.

3. Printable Measurement Worksheets For First Grade

Every once in a while, especially at the beginning of the school year, kids need a quick review of using a ruler. Remember that a ruler or yardstick is also a number line.

These worksheets offer quick measuring practice whether or not you can find a ruler. :-)

There are two main systems of measurement:

  • The English system of measurement (inches, feet, yards, and miles), and 
  • The Metric system (millimeters, centimeters, meters, and kilometers). 

These printable measurement worksheets are accurate. You can cut out the printable ruler for standard measurements.

One set measures inches and the other measures centimeters.

There are two first grade math worksheets with each of these PDF downloads.

3.A. 2 Easy Standard English Measurement Worksheets

3.B. 2 Easy 1st Grade Metric Measurement Worksheets

3.C. Telling Time Is Measurement Too

See our clock worksheets here.

  1. 945 PDF Math worksheets.
  2. Buy K-6 in one digital download.
  3. No ads.
  4. Filed by topic.
  5. Interactive. Printable.
  6. Use with any Math Lesson Plans.
  7. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Fraction Practice.

4. Measurement Activities Make Kids' Memories Strong

Our regular Math books are the Saxon Math textbooks. I love, love, love John Saxon's Investigations every ten lessons. His Investigation for measuring with rulers was so helpful and his Investigation for measuring quarts and gallons has stuck with our children ever since the first class. I myself had not ever seen it that easily put. I myself have remembered them better and have been able to explain them better.

I find that measurement activities do more good when you offer the actual rulers, gallons and thermometers for a reality check at the same time. Our kids have remembered the English system of volume measurement for years with this one demonstration in the Saxon Investigations:

  • Pour 3 teaspoons into one tablespoon.
  • Pour 4 tablespoons into a quarter cup measure.
  • Pour 4 quarter cup measures into 1 cup measure.
  • Pour 4 cups into one quart measure (milk jug or Ball Jar).
  • Pour 2 quarts into one half gallon measure (pitcher).
  • Pour 2 half gallons into one gallon measure (milk jug).

You can make all sorts of associations with this. What happens when I cannot find a tablespoon? Simply use three teaspoons. If I have a gallon of cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving, how many pints or quarts can I give as gifts? If the children see real life examples, they remember the proportions in measuring more easily.

You can do similarly with three rulers and a yardstick:

  • Lay three 12 inch rulers next to a yard stick.
  • Tell a nearby landmark that is a mile away.
  • Lay a meter stick next to the yardstick to show that it's longer.
  • Measure the difference.
  • Name another landmark that is a kilometer away.

Voila! Your kids will have instant understanding and a long term memory! Remember to use the real tools of measurement before or as you use our worksheets to make a longer lasting impression. You might also like these other first grade Math worksheets:

5. More Counting, Addition, Subtraction

First grade children are just beginning to see basic math problems as equations. So far they've been learning to count and perhaps comparing larger numbers to smaller numbers.

This is a super important time to make sure the children learn their math facts. Adding is next after learning to count, yet if you're teaching skip counting remember that this is multiplication and share that with the kids. They're excited when they learn big kid facts.

The twos and tens are easy skip count tables. 

If you teach the multiplication side of it, you can also teach the division side. It is marvelous how intertwined math is and how some children can see it at a glance.

First grade is pretty early for multiplication and division, yet I know children who have mastered all four tables within a few months at six and seven years old without a gruelling effort.

All four of the math operations are in easy format at PrintNPractice for your students to copy and memorize the answers to adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. 

If you are homeschooling or otherwise free to compare addition and subtraction, do so. The children often see how to subtract as they learn to add.

We also have Christmas number writing worksheets with the classic Twelve Days of Christmas pictures to color.

You can choose a worksheet from any level 

More Elementary School Worksheets

See related pages for more free elementary school and homeschooling ideas by grade: 

Buy Our Math Worksheets Bundle And Save Time!

  1. 945 PDF Math worksheets.
  2. Buy K-6 in one digital download.
  3. No ads.
  4. Filed by topic.
  5. Interactive. Printable.
  6. Use with any Math Lesson Plans.
  7. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Fraction Practice.

Digital Interactive Printables

Printable Math Worksheets Download $19.98


First Grade Math Worksheets: Shapes, Addition, Subtraction and more!Printable First Grade Math Worksheets make learning Math fun!
Author and Webmaster, Mary Fifer
Mary Fifer (Webmaster,

Mary Fifer, BSBA is webmaster, author, and researcher at She has created elementary school practice exercises using printable or digital interactive worksheets. Perfect for today's teachers, tutors, homeschoolers, and students!

Thank you for visiting and for sharing. :-)

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