Printable Flag Coloring Pages

Old Glory, Betsy Ross, And Tricolor Flags

See nine fun flag coloring pages on this page!

Are you from the USA?

'Love the Stars and Stripes! Get out the red, white, and blue to color Old Glory, an American flag coloring page, and other patriotic coloring pages.

Patriotic Flag Coloring PagesSee nine flag coloring pages below. United States, Canada, Great Britain, Betsy Ross, parades, and fireworks!

Are you from Canada or England?

Get out the red and white or red, white, and blue again. Two of these coloring pages are just for you!

See more info below these pictures.

Enjoy our printable flag coloring pages and see an explanation of the different countries that use the same flag patterns below.

Some countries have the same pattern on their flags so it's fun to know which ones are which!

Printable Flags To Color

Studying history and geography together helps children understand both better. The more visual the details, the better, so add printable flags to your lesson plans.

Most children love coloring the flag of the country or state they're studying which helps make the class fun. Point to a map or the globe and trace the story's journey over the map so they get an idea of where they're studying.

If you want history to become easy to remember, print our history timeline template on card stock for kids to keep through high school. It is an awesome memory aid!

Click the images below to see and to go to the full-sized PDF coloring pages.

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1. United States And American Flag Coloring Pages

It's super good to share the American flag with the words to the Pledge of Allegiance.

I pledge allegiance to the Flag

 Of the United States of America,

And to the Republic for which it stands:

 One Nation under God, indivisible,

With Liberty and Justice for all.

See two pages of printable Pledge of Allegience worksheets here.

American Flag Coloring Page

Here's a realistic printable American flag coloring page. Old Glory is at her best in red, white, and blue. Consider a gold or wooden colored flag pole with a dark background. It is a beautiful printable flag. 

You can see a lovely poem, "The Flag Goes By" on our cursive writing worksheets page.

Printable American Flag

Here's a cute printable American flag with a whimsical printable flag with fireworks. Happy Fourth of July!

US Flag Coloring Page

Again, think red, white, and blue! Kids love to march in a marching band with the flag - even if they're pretending and even if they're inside. Encourage their love of God, family, and country.

Keep all the patriotic holidays with these treasures:

  • Memorial Day, the last Monay in May;
  • Labor Day, the first Monday in September;
  • Veterans Day, November 11; and, of course, 
  • Flag Day, June 14. 

See more patriotic coloring pages at Color With Fuzzy.

May God bless the USA!

2. Betsy Ross Flag And Flag Coloring Pages

Kids love coloring a picture of Betsy Ross and the flag. Betsy made several versions of the flag before they settled on the first American flag with thirteen red and white stripes and thirteen white stars in a circle on a blue field.

USA Flag Coloring Page

Here's a picture of a lady carrying a flag. Remember to choose red and white for the stripes and a blue field under white stars.

3. National Flag Coloring Pages

I love these printable flags from Canada and Great Britain! The Canadian flag is red and white and England's flag is red, white, and blue.

Canada Flag Coloring Page

Use red for the side stripes and the Maple Leaf in this Canadian flag coloring page. Leave the center white behind the red leaf.

England or Great Britain Flag Coloring Page

The flag of England is the Great Britain flag. You'll need red, white, and blue for this coloring page. Use gold, brown, or black for the flag pole and a bold color for the background so the white on the flag is clear.

4. Tricolor Triband Printable Flags

Since many countries use the tricolor triband format I've researched a few for which you can use a plain flag to color the particular country's flag.

It is more interesting to color flags when you know something about them. You can add to these notes with ideas that are specific to the areas  that you are studying with these printable flags.

There are two kinds of tricolor triband flags:

A. Vertical bands - With two or three colors.

B. Horizontal bands - With two or three colors.

Vertical Triband Printable Flags

A. Vertical Triband Bicolor Flags To Print

Some countries have three bands but only use two colors as with:

  • Nigerian Flag Coloring Page - Flag of Nigeria (green and white in the middle) 
  • Peruvian Flag - Flag of Peru (red and white in the center). 

Add the silhouette of a Maple Leaf and you have the flag of Canada. See one above that has the Maple Leaf. Remember to use red on the left and right with a white center.

B. Vertical Triband Tricolor Flags To Print

It is so fun to see that there are many countries that use what's called the triband form for their flags. I found several countries and the colors are mentioned from left to right:

  • Belgium Flag Coloring Page - The flag of Belgium is black, gold, and red.
  • Chad Flag - The flag of Chad is blue, gold, and red.
  • Cote d'Ivoire Flag - The flag of the Ivory Coast is orange, white, and green).
  • France Flag Coloring Page - The flag of France is blue, white, and red. 
  • Guinea Flag - The flag of Guinea is red, gold, and green.
  • Ireland Flag Coloring Page - The flag of Ireland is green, white, and orange. See lovely lined or unlined Irish flag writing paper here.
  • Italy Flag Coloring Page - The flag of Italy is green, white, and red.
  • Mali Flag - The flag of Mali is green, gold, and red.
  • Romanian Flag - The flag of Romania is blue, yellow, and red. 

There are many other more local tricolor flags, even for states and cities. 

These have three vertical bands of solid color that are each about one-third the field of the flag. There are others that have an extra symbol, especially in the center.

Horizontal Triband Printable Flags

A. Horizontal Triband Bicolor Flags To Print

These countries have a triband that is evenly spaced, but only use two colors: 

  • Argentina (light blue top and bottom, white) and 
  • Austria (red, white in between). 

Add symbols and you can create many other kinds of flags.

Thank you for visiting our printable flag coloring pages! has oodles of Fourth of July and patriotic coloring pages.

B. Horizontal Triband Tricolor Flag Coloring Pages

The flags for several countries have the bands or stripes run horizontally and use three colors as with:

  • Armenia Flag Coloring Page - Flag of Armenia (red/top, blue, orange), 
  • Bulgarian Flag - (white/top, green, red), 
  • Estonia (light blue/top, black, white), 
  • Ethiopia (green/top, yellow, red), 
  • Gabon Flag (light green/top, gold, light blue), 
  • Germany Flag Coloring Page - Flag of Germany (black, red, gold), 
  • Hungary (red/top, white, green), 
  • Lithuania (gold/top, green, red), 
  • Luxembourg (red/top, white, light blue), 
  • Netherlands Flag Coloring Page (red/top, white, blue), and 
  • Yemen Flag (red/top, white, black). Colombia's has a larger band across the top (gold/top, blue, red).

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Author and Webmaster, Mary Fifer
Mary Fifer (Webmaster,

Mary Fifer, BSBA is webmaster, author, and researcher at She has created elementary school practice exercises using printable or digital interactive worksheets. Perfect for today's teachers, tutors, homeschoolers, and students!

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