Our School Resources Affiliate Program offers high commissions so that your promotions are worth your time to promote.
It offers you an easy way to make a residual income from our electronic products. We use a secure way to keep everything above board.
You will know how many sales you've made and how much we owe you using this system.
Contact me below if you have a website that you would like me to consider as an affiliate property. I have edited this page in 2021. I use the same system, yet must now approve future affiliates.
What is a good affiliate program commission?
We pay 40% affiliate program commission with 6 months cookies using Paypal.
Even though all of the worksheets on this website are offered free on the site; visitors buy the downloads because it is so handy to have the worksheets all together in alpha-numeric files.
The best affiliate marketing program is easy to implement and it is free. We offer you an excellent 6 months cookies - yes, that's 180 days from the time that your visitor first clicks your links to our site.
Place the E-Junkie code in a prominent place on your site for your visitors to order our worksheet bundles.
Once your visitors click your code for our product, any time that they buy our product in the next 6 months you will receive the commission.
Whether they leave the page or leave the site you get the credit for for your visitors' purchases for 6 months.
PrintNPractice school resources are downloads.
There's little work for you to do once you have recommended our products and linked to them. Your visitors receive their files at the time of purchase near instantly with no involvement from you.
You can choose to sell one or all of our downloads. Your visitors can choose to buy one or all, even if you post only one link to one product. The other products are available at E-Junkie.
These are our main website pages where you will see explanations and worksheets:
Most every page on this site is linked from our Visitor Sitemap.
All affiliate links to PrintNPractice must be nofollow.
This may seem counter-intuitive; yet is best for your website. Monetized links fare better at the search engines if they are nofollowed.
I provide the basic code that you can edit below.
This is actually fairly simple as what's required is a short note to let people know that you benefit from your links. Usually, people are glad to know up front about your affiliation and appreciate the transparency, so make it a positive note. See a sample below.
In order to comply with the Federal Trade Commission, FTC, regulations: Any affiliates who are providing content or reviews of PrintNPractice must clearly state that they are receiving monetary compensation BEFORE the tracking links or banners directing them to PrintNPractice landing pages.
This simply requires a short note near the top of the main content column of the page where you place your recommendations. For me, I find it easiest to have a main page for my affiliate to which any site links go.
Disclaimers at the bottom or end of the article will not be sufficient. Non-compliance with these FTC regulations will risk removal from our program and commissions could be subject to reversal.
Furthermore any PrintNPractice affiliate who plans to promote PrintNPractice through social media (SM) must state clearly 'AD': before the link to PNP in each SM post. Linking to a post with the disclaimer will not be sufficient in the case of social media.
For more information go to the FTC endorsement guides.
This is a sample of what I use:
Of course, you would link to your own disclosure page on your own site. Change the link in the blue text to your own page's address.
After you are approved, I will send you a page that has images like the following that you can use in your promotions.
Submit your information on the form below and I expect to respond within two to five business days.
Thank you for considering!
Our school resources affiliate program pays when you send traffic through your site's affiliate links to our site.
Traffic is key. Promotion to that traffic is next.
If you send enough traffic to a page that has a good promotion, you will get sales over time. Contact me if you would like me to review what you have written. I am happy to help.
Best yet: Everything is automatic! We don't touch a thing except to send PayPal commission payments each month.
We want it to be easy and effective for you, so we give you the best advice that we know.
If you would like help. I can walk you through the steps.
Our products are written and developed from a Christian point of view so that God is honored and children are not scandalized.
Also, we are happy when you write with your suggestions and questions.
All in all we look forward to helping you build residual income from selling our downloadable worksheets and coloring pages.
Mary Fifer, BSBA is webmaster, author, and researcher at PrintNPractice.com. She has created elementary school practice exercises using printable or digital interactive worksheets. Perfect for today's teachers, tutors, homeschoolers, and students!