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Main Math Worksheets Page or Buy our Math Worksheets For Kids here.
MathWay - Math Problem Solver Place your equations here to find Math answers.
Saxon Math - Our Favorite! We've used six books in the Saxon Math series and have tried others only to come back to Saxon. The Homeschool Editions are worth their weight in gold!
DIVE Math - Must Have! Fabulous! Dr. Shormann shows your students how to work through the Saxon lessons. You can use it with any Math series though. Our family has re-used the Algebra DIVEs for college and teacher re-certification!
Flashmaster Math Game No need to worry about spilling Math flash cards again. This handheld computer keeps score for many individual students. We love this, especially when keeping a chart of how far and how fast. Awesome if several students can race. Instant feedback after the second try.
Math Shark Math Game A fun format for learning the Math tables or playing Math games.
12 Addition Videos Without Ads
12 Subtraction Videos Without Ads
12 Multiplication Videos Without Ads
12 Division Videos Without Ads
Printable Math Dictionary PDF Printable Math Glossary/Dictionary.
Math Symbols Glossary PDF Printable poster of the Math Symbols.
Shape Worksheets Circles, squares, triangles, stars and more.
Number Coloring Pages Color the numbers, make posters, banners, etc.
Counting Worksheets Help little ones learn to count.
Writing Numbers Worksheets Worksheets for practice writing numbers.
Color By Number Worksheets Combine coloring and Math.
Clock Worksheets More time worksheets with a Roman numeral clock face. Make telling time easy to learn. Cut and color a moving clock face.
Money Worksheets Video and money worksheets. Counting Money Worksheets Counting money video and worksheets with realistic coin images and skip counting. Realistic coin images and skip counting.
Practice Writing Checks - Blank checks (you can print on colored paper) and the vocabulary worksheets with the names of popular stores and a list of the names of the numbers spelled out. Six page download.
Measurement Worksheets Metric and standard measurement worksheets. Two downloads with two pages each.
Roman Numerals Chart This page explains Roman numerals and has printable charts, worksheets, and a Roman numeral clock face.
Addition Worksheets This is our BEST addition page with the most addition worksheets and all new links to higher level addition worksheets. Here are my personal ideas for using addition Math worksheets.
Subtraction Worksheets This is our BEST subtraction page with the most subtraction worksheets and all new links to higher level subtraction worksheets.
Multiplication Worksheets This is our BEST multiplication page with the most multiplication worksheets and all new links to higher level multiplication worksheets.
Math Formulas List of formulas and geometric formulas with our free printable Math definitions ebook.
Math Exponents, Squares and Cubes - Awesome exponents worksheets with many variations for higher levels. Math Word Problems Simple Math word problem worksheets and volume of a cube worksheets. See the squares and keep the charts.
Decimal Math Worksheets Decimal and division worksheets. Percent and division worksheets with a six page download of one hundreds charts for teaching decimals.
Division Worksheets This is our BEST division page with the most division worksheets and all new links to higher level division worksheets.
Prime Numbers Chart Several prime numbers charts and a hundreds chart download with six pages.
Fraction Worksheets Printable fraction worksheets. Fraction definitions and many worksheets that use color blocks to show equivalent fractions.
Geometry Formulas Printable geometry poster with formulas.
Order of Operations Worksheets PEMDAS Order of operations explanations and step by step worksheets for the children to copy the steps. Color coded.
Pre-Algebra Worksheets Links to pages with worksheets to use in pre-Algebra.
Printable Graph Paper Scores of different graph papers to print.
Online Math Dictionary - Bookmark these pages for frequently used Math definitions or print the downloadable ebook to keep in your binder.
You can print and keep these Math definitions as a glossary in your binder or a file folder. You can also download it to your tablet or bookmark this page. See the alphabetical links below for more online Math words.
Reading Worksheets - Robert Louis Stevenson and Nursery Rhymes.
The Writing Road To Reading Romalda Spalding wrote the most frequently used reference book on my desk. I've read most of this book three times and have used it daily for years. It's the best buy for your money through the years for "How to teach reading."
The Phonics Road by Barbara Beers These DVD sets are the best explanations I've seen for teaching Phonics. She teaches the teacher, includes many Reading worksheets and is awesome for independent study of older children and ESL students.
Sound Beginnings by Julia Fogassy This book seems to have been written at the same time that the WRTR was embellished with technical information, but this book cuts to the core. Awesome replacement for the Phonics Road above.
Phonics Worksheets - Practice worksheets for the Phonics sounds.
Alphabet Worksheets - Tracing and copying.
Alphabet Flash Cards - Video names the 26 letters of the alphabet and shows both capitals and lower case letters. Use the first 26 cards in the phonics flashcards below for printable alphabet flash cards.
Short Vowel Sounds - Video of short vowels and printable short vowel worksheets.
Long Vowel Sounds - Video of long vowel sounds.
Phonics Activities - Phonics beginners start here.
Phonics Rules - Learn and teach the rules for using the 72 phonograms in English phonics. They are super helpful through the school day.
Advanced Phonics Lessons - 72 Phonograms video, awesome for older students, adult learners, and ESL.
Printable Phonics Flashcards - Double sided with ruled lines and clues on back. Print single sided or double sided.
Cursive Alphabet And Phonics Worksheets - Print cursive worksheets for kids to practice the alphabet sounds and handwriting. These are included in the Phonics Worksheets bundle.
Grammar Worksheets - Or buy our English Grammar Worksheet bundles.
Easy English Grammar - Grammar Slammer
Harvey Grammar The best Grammar book for the dollar. Reading its 120 pages will catch you up on years of Grammar lessons.
Free Printable Grammar Definitions Ebook
Diagramming Sentences Best diagramming chart we've seen – and we made it ourselves! Print a copy for yourself. I really think that everyone ought to teach grammar with the opportunity to "see the picture". How do the words actually fit in their place within a sentence?
Printable Writing Paper - Find pages with ruled lines that include a dotted center line and other pages with columns for spelling lists.
Typing Practice - Mavis Beacon Typing Program.
Printable Graph Paper - Interactive! You can enter your own info on these pages in many different graph sizes and colors. Knitting graph paper, too. Gray inch and half inch drawing graph paper sizes, too. Lined Writing Paper Stationery and many formats of lined writing paper – two column and three column for making your own Spelling worksheets. Ruled writing paper.
Printable Timeline Template - Covers what many history books call "Recorded History" from the Creation to this millennium.
Order Worksheet Bundles - Buy our Downloads
School Resources Affiliate Program for our worksheets - Add our Downloads to your blog or website and earn 40% commission.
Teaching Addition Math Memorization
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Mary Fifer, BSBA is webmaster, author, and researcher at She has created elementary school practice exercises using printable or digital interactive worksheets. Perfect for today's teachers, tutors, homeschoolers, and students!
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